Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why won't you make it so that dysfunctional guys like me won't commit the crime in the first place?

Look guys like me when we start out we're incredibly immature and handle situations we encounter in a very poor manner.I t makes you normal people really mad,but don't you know that you can waive that right to be angry Couldn't you guys make it so that we won't commit the crime in the first place.Like if we look like we're likely to get teased by classmates you could make us attend both anger management classes,and conflict resoltionthreateng our classmates and okaylookk you also have these sexy ladies that provoke us to arousal.Couldn't you find a way tomakee it where we won't do anything stupid like do something stupid to the girl we're aroused by.I mean look When outcasts like me are young we go through these fazes and when we grow up and look back at this stupid crap we did as a result of these fazes we really regret having done it.and we also have outside sources that influence us to commit the crime.There's the media,lack of discipline by ourparentss,and there are others that I can't mention.I mean I wish you would make it where we won't commit the crime.Here's a thought.Why not use Hypnotherapy to condition us to handle situation correctly and not to commit crimes.Look I know that guys like me are pest.We make your heads hurt I know ,but we strive for the exact same things you normal people do.

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