Thursday, July 14, 2011

Ant attack! Tried over three kill attempts, but still have ants. How to kill them. anyone tried foggers?

We are in the South. We had a pro spray before move in, both in and out of the home. We had Orkin spray two weeks later, the seller only paid for two treatments. We sprayed the yard with one type of spray. . We used a Decon aerosol can spray. We put down granules, they walk over them! And 5 weeks later, STILL ANTS. Big ones, red ones. tiny black ones. We bought foggers, But we are worried about blowing up the house (and still have ants). The home was vacant for 2 years, and lightly wooded yard. We are clearing out debris away from the foundation, and filling cracks. Orkin says we need to do this 1st, as any pest control treatment from them really wouldn't work right 100% now, and they would need to be out every two weeks for a while. Can't afford that! So last night I sprayed the front flower bed, removed part of a nest, saturated what was left of the nest, and this morning ants are back on the trail! I am at lost. I keep telling myself the problem is 80% better from the day we took the keys, it was THAT BAD! I guess I am expecting a miracle! Will foggers be a good last resort? are they safe? effective? We plan to use them in the crawl space and under a cabinet.

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